Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A dark side to E-paper?

After all the advantages that I have mentionned previously, it is hard to think of a disadvantage for companies to start implementing the use of e-paper.

However, just like any new and emerging information technology, e-paper is not flawless. In fact it is said that e-paper has a very low "refresh rate" when compared to other LCD technologies like computer and television screens. This means that the zooming and transition from one page to another is rather slow.

Also, let us not forget that the implentation of this technology for organizations is bound to be costly. I still believe though, that in the long run, e-paper will be very beneficial and very profitable for companies willing to use it.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Will organization gain from using this ? why ?

As you probably know by now, such a promising new technology will allow not only individuals, but also organizations to gain from its utility.

Indeed, 256 pages long financial reports will no longer have to be printed for every mid-level manager if they are gifted with e-ink paper. School and educational organizations will no longer have to print incredible and illogical amouts of books for students if students can read to a screen displaying the content of their books. Magazine publishers can start thinking of providing clients only with the content of their publication.

A tremendous amout of money and time will be saved if we are able to implement this technology; paper will no longer be an absolute necessity.

But we can also relate to the external benefit of this fact: forest will possibly be able to live again....

What does E-paper replace ?

If the building and making of e-paper is rather complex, companies will still gain in making it because of all the applications and general use this new technology will bring to our world.

If you have seen my video you will remember that the journalist referred to e-paper as "Harry Potter paper". This will bring us to our first use of e-paper; Electronic journals. That's right, people will no longer have to buy a 100 pages long newspapers, because e-ink paper as the capability to change its display whenever needed.... Just like in the Harry Potter movies ;)

Other applications are quite numerous; price tags on the shelves of retail stores, electronic billboards on the streets of Montreal and many other beautiful cities, Commercials on buses and we are even talking about phones and e-pad displaying full versions of books...

Do you see now why this new information technology is so promising ? I bet all the "green" people in this world will love it !!
For those of you willing to learn more about e-ink paper technology, check this out:

But What exactly is e-paper ??

E-paper, short for electronic paper, is also commonly called electronic ink display technologie.
This technology is designed to imitate the effects of regular ink on paper. E-paper is capable of holding text and images indefinitely without drawing electricity, while allowing the image to be changed later.

This mays sound a little unbelievable to you, which is why those of you who believe in seeing is believing should check this out : .
